Zertifikate und Studien
Unsere SEACELL- und SMARTCEL-Fasern wurden von mehreren unabhängigen Instituten auf ihre Qualität und Wirksamkeit positiv getestet und geprüft.
In vitro evaluation of the anti-oxidative potential of the textile sample of SEACELL (#14 07 085) compared to Cotton (#17 07 086)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidative capacity against free radicals such as ROS (reactive oxygen species) and RNS (reactive nitrogen species) in vitro.
The textile sample SEACELL (#14 07 085) exhibited a highly significant antioxidative capacity in vitro. It could be shown that it is equally effective against ROS and RNS. The antioxidative capacity observed was distinctly higher than that of the reference sample cotton (#17 07 086)
(AA TCC 100) Untersuchung von textilen Materialien auf antimykotische Gesamtaktivität.
Unter den entsprechenden Versuchsbedingungen wurde für die untersuchte Probe gegenüber dem Teststamm Trichophyton interdigitale OSM 16110 eine starke antimykotische Wirkung nachgewiesen.
2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) Free Radical Removing Test
The Experiment of SEACELL eliminating free radicals
Free radicals are asymmetric electrons, which are produced in the body metabolic processes, and grab the normal cells of electronic to balance. Excessive free radicals will damage the body. The test proves that SEACELL Fabric can eliminate free radicals.